How Team NEOM Look After Their Mental Health

The small, but effective, steps we all take...

How Team NEOM Look After Their Mental Health

With wellbeing at the centre of our brand, our mantra to looking after our mind and bodies is through small steps each day, and believe in doing little things each day to nurture our mental health. Here’s how some of our team choose to take care of theirs…

“I think it’s incredibly important to nourish your mind, body and soul every day and one thing I find which really helps me is meditation. I set aside 5 minutes every morning and every night to slow down and practice being still. It really helps me to clear my thoughts and process things. I highly recommend.”

- Nihal Gulsan, Technical Manager

“I set up an email to auto deliver into my inbox each morning which prompts me to plan in some exercise for the day. I don’t let myself snooze the email until I’ve done it and it’s proved to be a good way to hold myself accountable. Exercise is a great way to deal with any stress that I have building up.”

- Oliver Mennell, CEO and Founder

“I always try my best to find some time for myself in the day. When the weather permits, it’s usually a walk outside listening to a podcast or if not, a 20-minute HIIT session helps me to get going in the mornings and set me up for a productive day.”

- Lucy Gill, Head of Content

“To beat those Sunday night blues, I always spend 10 minutes before bed writing a to-do list for the week ahead. It works wonders for helping to clear my head and stop my mind from racing. I also jot down things I’m looking forward to and look back on the previous week to reflect and see what I achieved.”

- Louise Moore, Product Director

“I find looking after my mental health is even more important when working from home, so I try to wake up an hour earlier to ease into my morning and not start work straight away. I’ll pop on my favourite music, fire up my Pod Mini, make a coffee and either read my book or get out for a walk. I find giving myself more time and a relaxed start is a simple yet super effective way of ensuring I feel good.”

- Charlotte Brown, Communications & Influencer Partnerships Manager

“Even if it’s the last thing I feel like doing, I always ensure I do some kind of movement every day as it helps to clear my mind and refocus on what’s important. If I’m full of energy it’s a resistance workout of a run but if that fails, I always take my gorgeous pup out for some fresh air."

- Charlotte Silver, Culture & Engagement Lead

“For me it’s all about routine – especially at bedtime. If I’m feeling overwhelmed after a hectic day, I have a tried and tested routine that always helps. I run a bath (with out Bedtime Hero Bath Foam of course) and soak for a good 20 minutes whilst practicing mindful breathing. I’ll then spend a little longer on my skincare routine and ensure I get an early night which always helps.”

- Sam Turner, Education & Animation Manager

“Something we as a family started in lockdown which has really stuck is that every night, I facetime my Dad with the kids and he’ll read them a bedtime story. Not only do the kids feel great for seeing him but it helps my Dad too and I feel good for us all staying connected.”

- Natalie Best, Customer Marketing Manager